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Welcome to Legacy Christian Home Schools. We’re glad you stopped by!

Legacy Christian Home Schools is a non-profit cooperative venture designed to help families provide guidance and support to one another in the vitally important job of educating their children in a manner that is consistent with their profession of faith in God.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to support, encourage, and inspire Christian home school families to train their children to know Jesus Christ and to make Him known by:

  • inspiring fathers to be servant leaders in their home
  • connecting homeschool moms
  • nurturing a biblical world view in our children
  • offering the hope of Jesus Christ to future generations

It’s pretty common to refer to groups like ours as “support groups,” but that makes home schooling sound more like some sort of disorder than what it is — a desire to give our children the best education possible. We think the term “cooperative” best captures the spirit of what we’re trying to do. We cooperate by sharing the costs to the group (dues and fund-raising), by sharing the work, and by being cooperative. The latter may be the most important of the three.

The leadership of Legacy is also structured as a cooperative venture. Our Board of Directors consists of five couples selected from our membership. Most of the day-to-day operations of the group are delegated to committees who handle everything from organizing field trips and social events to creating our yearbook and conducting annual achievement tests.

If you would like to learn more about who we are and what we do, you can read our statement of faith or simply contact us at [email protected].

God Bless,

Legacy Christian Home Schools

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